Today, people all around the world are suffering together in different ways due to the coronavirus outbreak. Here is an update on how some of our translation teams are doing during this time and prayer requests that they have sent out to us.

The cases in Vietnam are extremely low, however tight travel restrictions have been implemented throughout the country. For this reason, training for the Mother Tongue Translators has been postponed until the translators feel safe to travel again.
Prayer Requests From the Vietnam Team
- Pray for one of our team leaders, Luke, and his family. Luke and his wife had to take their 3 children to his parents house so that they could continue to work. They have not been able to see their children for several weeks due to tight travel restrictions.

Similar to Vietnam, there are relatively few cases in Nepal, but the government is taking extreme actions to avoid the spread of the virus. There is a nationwide lockdown and transportation ban. Our translators are able to continue work as a team from home using the internet; however, due to the transportation ban they are unable to continue scripture engagement, church services, and prayer meetings. It is also difficult for families to access their daily needs as police are harshly beating people who travel the roads.
Prayer Requests From the Nepal Team
- Pray that all our current translation process would go well
- We have many more languages to conduct workshops for with translators, pray that God would provide all the necessary resources.
- We are in need of equipment (computers, recording sets, etc.) to conduct the translation work
- Pray that God would provide food for poor families and people of old age during this time.
Our translation team in Laos has started reaching out to tribal villages with the gospel through storytelling. However, because of the nationwide lockdown in Loas, this process has been put on hold for the time being.
Prayer Requests From the Laos Team
- Pray that the situation in Laos would improve so that the storytelling project would continue smoothly as it was before
- There are plans to start Bible Translations in 12 new languages by the end of this year, please pray that we may start as we planned without any interruption
- Pray for our project coordinator’s wife, Monika, who delivered a baby boy last week
We thank you for your faithful prayers. Our translation teams are excited to know that their brothers and sisters in the US will be praying for them!